Monday, January 27, 2020

More U.S Coronavirus Cases Emerge, as China's Death Toll Rises

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Police officers wearing masks in front of The Palace Museum in Beijing on Sunday.

Summary: The official coronavirus cases across China stands at a 2,744 count as of January 26, 2020. Authorities have recorded an overall death toll of 80 people. The Chinese government has banned wildlife trade nationwide until the epidemic passes. Hong Kong has banned people and residents who have traveled to Wuhan in the past 14 days from entering the city. Shanghai Disneyland and Hong Kong Disneyland have both closed down indefinitely. According to the C.D.C, there were three more coronavirus cases that were reported in the United States on Sunday: two in California and one in Arizona bringing the nation’s total to five cases.

Reaction: I think this virus is a concern because experts aren't certain about the originating animal. I believe the Chinese government made the correct decision to quarantine the Wuhan residents and prevent them from leaving in an effort for containment. This is because the virus has so many unknown factors and is still mutating. The epidemic has been all over TV and social media which makes me feel more cautious, especially with the California local cases.

Connection to US history: Pandemic waves have been prevalent in US history. We learned last semester how smallpox came to North America in the 1600s and wiped out 70% of the Native American population. However, there have been fewer infectious disease outbreaks through medicine advancements and the development of vaccines for smallpox & other massive viruses like yellow fever and cholera.

Questions for Discussion: Do you think the world is overreacting to the corona virus outbreak? Are you concerned that the corona virus will continue to spread to more people? What solutions would you propose to the US government to prevent this disease?


  1. I don't think that people are overreacting to this outbreak. It is a deadly virus that can be easily transmitted just by being in the same place as a person who is infected. I'm am not as concerned about it continuing to spread because many countries have made efforts to contain the people who have been infected and have prevented people from flying out of China to other areas. I think that the best way from preventing this disease is to just contain everyone that is infected and give them the treatment that they need and making sure that they have fully recovered before releasing them.

    1. I agree with this statement because the number of cases and deaths continues to increase and the virus continues to spread to more people around the world. I feel it's imperative that countries ban travel with China and we should quarantine those individuals that have traveled there recently before they have contact with the general population to maintain our efforts.

  2. I definitely don't think everyone is overreacting to this coronavirus. This type of virus does not have a vaccine and also no synthesized cure yet, and is proven to be deadly. It's highly contagious and millions of people in China have already been quarentined to prevent it from spreading. I, personally, am obviously worried about this because something like this can spread very quickly. My friend who lives in Canada told me that it's already there, and I hope she stays safe and doesn't get infected.

  3. I don't think the world is overreacting to this outbreak. The virus is already rapidly spreading across the world and will continue to if there isn't enough done to contain it. The symptoms of the virus are similar to those of the flu, which could lead people to believing they have the flu and not be as careful, thus potentially spreading the virus to others. The best solution to try to contain the virus is to quarantine everyone who has it and cut off all measures of transportation to areas where the virus has infected many. In addition, to prevent the disease from further spreading in the US, checking travelers and returning citizens for the symptoms could be a good solution to limit the spread of the virus.

  4. I believe that the large response to coronavirus is necessary since public health and welfare should be in everyone's personal interest. In a sense it is relieving to see that this news travel relatively fast and is being taken seriously, as several death-related circumstances do not get much exposure. The issue has definitely raised many concerns but it also heeds warnings for people to take precautions to prevent further spread of it. The government should close off areas where the virus has reached and it is also the people's responsibility to sanitize thoroughly as well as avoid public places if infected.

  5. This coronavirus is a deadly disease spreading fast and everyday hundreds cases are confirmed around the world, so no I do not think the world is overreacting to this outbreak. I am concerned for the spread of this outbreak, mostly for the millions of people in China who could easily be infected in urban areas. The US government is already doing a good job checking travelers for symptoms and keeping Americans safe but they need to send aid to China soon. Both the US and European countries need to send aid to China and use their medical advances for good. Also, awareness needs to be spread to the public for safety precautions and to stop xenophobia against Chinese people.

  6. I do believe that (not all but) many people are producing unnecessary anxiety and hype in regards to the recent corona virus epidemic. I am not, by any means, trying to downplay the severity of this outbreak, especially for those in the endemic regions but I want to emphasize that the media loves the spectacle of an alarming and exciting new outbreak. The many media sources creates clickbate-y titles which contain misinformation about this novel virus to scare the audience, entice them to read their article, and elicit a desired response out of them. Many ‘news’ outlets are trying to receive views instead of reporting pertinent information. It is imperative to receive information about the corona virus from reputable sources such as the CDC ( or the WHO ( It is also not surprising to see that media is blowing up because China is not likely to report new cases every minute. Governments usually try to stifle reporting and avoid responsibility during these situations. Even though media misinformation is still present, I do think that the corona virus is a threat to those living in the US, especially with all the international travel that occurs

    There is no doubt that the corona virus will continue to spread to more people. I’m more concerned about what we don’t know about the virus yet (ex. How long the incubation period is, how long it takes to spread, and whether the virus could be transmitted during the asymptomatic period).

    I think quarantine procedures are very effective. The call for taking necessary safety precautions (ex. Sanitizing your hands/eating surfaces, staying away from people who seem sick) is also necessary. Hopefully, the governments could produce vaccines against the corona virus, which is possibly the best hope, although they will not be a ‘cure.’ The SARS virus is very similar to the corona virus genetically, and could possibly speed up vaccine research. Government regulation and screening on international traveling would also be ideal but would most likely be impossible as results must be sent to labs and isn’t efficient.

  7. I don't think that people are overreacting to the coronavirus outbreak because it is a new virus and doctors don't know how to get rid of it. I'm concerned that the coronavirus will spread to more people because of how easy it is to travel to different places now, so it can quickly spread to other countries if it is not contained fast enough. I think that the US government should ban travel to places that have already been affected by the coronavirus and advise people to not go to large gatherings such as festivals and parades.
