Thursday, January 30, 2020

New Affordable Housing in San Francisco

                                       Image result for folsom street san francisco sign"

Summary: On Thursday, January 30th, Mayor London Breed announced the opening of three new mixed-income, mixed-use Avery apartment buildings, located on Folsom, Clementina, First, and Fremont streets. These buildings contain 548 units where 149 of them are for people who make 50% or less of the area median income. The apartments were developed as part of the Transbay Redevelopment project and are aimed at creating a successful community with various groups of people.

Reaction: I think that the creation of this new apartment complex with low-income housing is a great thing in a city where many struggle to afford rent.  However, when I first clicked on the article I expected more of the possible 548 units to be made for this purpose, and in some ways I see this as a way for big companies, such as Avery, to profit from major issues.

Connection: This is connected to the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, which provided money to public housing agencies in order to improve the lives of low-income families. While not the same, the new low-income housing units also were created to improve the lives of the poor.

Discussion Question: Do you think that affordable housing should become more easily accessible to people?


  1. I definitely think that more than 149 units should be available for people with low income. Especially in a city like San Francisco where the rent is so high, not everyone can easily afford a place to live. Instead of bigger companies making profit, these apartments should be going to people who need a place to live.

  2. I do think that affordable housing should become more easily accessible to people. The cost of living in San Francisco is so high. Many people can't afford a place to live in because houses in SF are way too expensive and rent is also way too high for just a tiny space. These apartments with will help a lot of people in SF because the location is good and they are providing housing that's affordable.

  3. I agree that there should be more affordable housing in San Francisco because of how expensive it is to live here. The inadequate amount of affordable housing and rising rent is contributing to San Francisco's persistent homelessness problem. There are nearly 10,000 homeless people in San Francisco, and this number is only growing, so I hope to see more housing developments that are affordable for low income individuals.

    1. I agree that there is a large homeless issue in San Francisco and that one of its causes is because of the increasing cost of housing and that this issue could be helped by creating more affordable housing for people who receive low income.

  4. I think that affordable housing should definitely be more accessible to people. Living in San Francisco has gotten so expensive and so many people can't afford it. If more apartments could be made like I think it would help out a lot of people. I think that this is definitely a step in the right direction for more affordable housing.

  5. Yes I think San Francisco needs more affordable housing as many people are being forced out of the city. I think creating 149 units is a start in the right direction but overall the city needs to do more. Overall creating more affordable housing is good but I don't think the amount they are creating is enough and hopefully for all of us the housing market will become more affordable so we will be able to still live here later on in life.

  6. I believe shelter is a necessity and everybody deserves to fulfill that basic need. Affordable housing will allow more low income families to have stable housing and I hope to see an increase in affordable housing throughout the nation especially in big cities to decrease homelessness.

  7. I agree that more of the 548 units should be available for people with low incomes. San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities in the United States, and buying a house is much more difficult today than several years ago. The 149 affordable units are a good start, but more steps need to be taken to make housing more accessible.

  8. I think that affordable housing should be more accessible to people. I agree that more of the units should have been made for people with low income because homelessness is a big problem in San Francisco. As the city gets more and more wealthy people coming in from the growing tech companies, housing becomes more difficult to afford, so the city should try to accommodate people affected by those challenges

  9. I agree that affordable housing should be more available to people. I think more supply of this type of housing can alleviate the homeless problem in the city and provide the poorer families a chance to stay in San Francisco. Housing is extremely expensive and I think more of these in the future would be necessary.

  10. Yes, I think affordable housing should be accessible for people in SF. Although I don't think 149 units are enough to solve the increasing homelessness problem, any step is a step, and affordable housing is needed to keep the diversity that SF is known for. Affordable housing means stable housing for low income people, which I believe would be productive for our city because stability in housing allows for the economically disadvantaged to focus on things that will bring them out of poverty, like education and and more advantageous opportunities, which ultimately will benefit everyone.

  11. I 100% think that more affordable housing should be accessible for people in San Francisco, especially, more than anywhere else. Our city is extremely expensive to live in, and with housing prices constantly going up low income people are stuck. We need affordable housing so people won't get kicked out of their houses and so we can help decrease the homeless population.

  12. Affordable housing should definitely become more accessible everywhere, but especially in San Francisco. There's obviously a terrible homelessness issue in this city due to many factors (among them particularly high housing costs), which is truly a shame and very ironic given San Francisco's reputation as one of the high-end cities in the world. Providing housing to people of disadvantaged communities may help to combat the homelessness issue and allow the city's government to focus their efforts on other problems.

  13. I think that affordable housing should be more easily accessible to not only San Francisco residents, but all over the US. I think that San Francisco, in particular, has a very high cost of living therefore contributing to a homelessness issue. Affordable housing is something that we should address because it's not only a prominent issue, but I feel that housing/shelters are a must-have for people.

  14. Affordable housing needs to exist because as gentrification happens in cities such as San Francisco will experience those with low income will not be able to live with their economic status. Housing is a basic necessity and if we as a country dont address the issue and resolve it in ways such as affordable housing we will see more homelessness.

  15. Affordable housing should definitely be more easily accessible to people. Homelessness has been a crises in SF that has last up till the present. With people struggling to afford a place to live, the opening of these units would greatly benefit the community such as keeping things a little more sanitary with less people living on the floors. So far I enjoy hearing how the Transbay Redevelopment Project is making some housing permanently affordable for low income families or those struggling to get on their feet.

  16. Affordable housing should be more accessible especially in major cities such as San Francisco. This is because large cities such as SF are bound to have a large inequality in the distribution of wealth. Also, major cities have higher tax rates and products are more expensive. In order for people to live in these cities, I believe that they should at least be able to afford their houses.

  17. I totally agree that more affordable housing should be made available in San Francisco. I know that many people struggle to keep up with all the expenditures of living here, and how rent is completely inflated. There are thousands of homeless living in SF, and this definitely seems like a good way to help some of them as well as low income families find housing more easily. Housing rent in SF is so inflated to the point where many are suffering. My family and I had to move out of our house earlier this year because the landlord continued to raise the rent, so I can only imagine similar if not more difficult situations that many others are facing. I hope that eventually more options will be made available to the public and that other house/apartment owners will begin lowering rent eventually.

  18. I do think affordable housing should be made more easily accessible for people. The costs of living in San Francisco is just so high, and many people just need a roof over their heads to start rebuilding their lives. Although 149 units is a small number towards those who need it, they are making progress towards getting more people off the streets.

  19. I definitely think that housing should be more accessible to a larger range of household incomes. In large cities such as San Francisco and New York there is a higher risk of gentrification occurring. Especially since San Francisco is in the center of Silicon Valley, a-lot of new technologies, and investments occur and sometimes that fades the reality of homelessness.

  20. I agree that affordable housing needs to be more accessible in San Francisco. The housing crisis contributes to many issue and changes this city is currently facing, including homelessness and gentrification. Housing prices continue to climb to extremely high and unaffordable prices and as a result, homelessness rates continue to grow as thousands of people and families live in the streets. Besides this, many who work in San Francisco don't live in the city and often have two to three hour commutes, which is a major inconvenience. These apartment buildings are a first great step to solving this issue, but more needs to be done.

  21. I think particularly in San Francisco, affordable housing should certainly become more available and affordable. Evidently there is still a awful homelessness issue in this city due to several factors (including terribly high price of housing), which is unfortunate and rather strange given the history of San Francisco as one of the country's high-end cities. Ensuring housing for people from disadvantaged communities will help to address the problem of homelessness and allow the city administration to concentrate its attention on other issues.

  22. San Francisco needs to provide more affordable housing for low-income families. Unfortunately, large developing companies continue to build for high-income buyers or businesses, filling neighborhoods with increasingly expensive buildings. It's understandable why only so few of the new units are for low-income individuals, with more industry and people moving to SF or the Bay Area leaving less space for city projects like this one. Hopefully the city continues to prioritize affordable housing to battle the homelessness crisis.

  23. I think with the current high economy and high cost of living that we face in San Francisco I think it’s great that they are moving to implement these apartments for those who couldn’t typically afford housing in San Francisco. I think that San Francisco should implement more affordable housing especially with the rising rates of homelessness due to the high cost of living.
